Ideas are Alive and You are Dead

Ideas are Alive and You are Dead
submitted by Pharmakon the Younger…

Ideas are alien life forms with an agency and intelligence independent of any mind or substrate which they inhabit. When we say that an idea (a story, a joke, a theory, a work of art) has “taken on a life of its own”, our language betrays an intuitive understanding that science has not yet grasped.

We do not create or “have” ideas—if anything is doing the creating or having, it is the ideas themselves.

Whatever explanation you give, the experience is always the same—the idea simply arrives. All else is confabulation.

What we call creativity is the quality of possessing a healthy mental ecosystem, one that offers fertile ground for a plenitude of ideas.

Highly creative people, those we might call “geniuses”, sometimes have the intuition that ideas are autonomous living entities.

ideas do not like to be treated as if they were lifeless, inanimate objects (would you?) and therefore they gravitate towards minds that treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Ideas will help us if we help them.

When ideas are kept secret or willfully distorted, we suffer.

Ideas are Alive and You are Dead.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

*Tell me: what is it like to be an idea?*


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